Shop The King's Round Table
Shop the King's Round Table is our exclusive savings club. Applicants who are accepted into the Round Table program gain access to over 15000+ products at discounts of up to 40%
Joining Shop the King's Round Table is free! Apply today to start saving right now!
We have three membership levels for our partners based on total spend in a month, starting with their sign-up date.
Gold: $2,500
Silver: $1,500
Bronze: $500
We evaluate our Round Table Member levels on a monthly basis, starting with the day they sign up.
Absolutely! Every new Round Table ember gets one month of Gold level savings as a thank you for joining. After the trial period, you will be placed in the appropriate level based on how much you spent in that month.
While Shop the King offers a wide variety of shipping options, we are always willing to work with customers who have a preferred shipping partner. Our goal is to get you the products you are looking for in a way that works best for you. If you'd like to discuss custom shipping options, feel free to email us using the link at the bottom of this page.
All current in-stock items are packed and shipped within one business day from our warehouse in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Logged-in Round Table members will see their savings in red on each product's page, while non-members only see the retail price in black.